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Here is what I was thinking of doing with my 3 kids and wanted to get peoples feedback or suggestions to make it better:


ds 6



Singapore Math

Spelling Workout A]

TOG Anciets

Science books, books, books



BJU dvd for everything except bible and history 5

TOG Ancients UG and some dialetic



BJU dvd for everything except bible and history 7

TOG Ancients for D

First Form Latin

Vocab. from Classical roots


What is everyone's general concensus on BJU's grammar and math? My children have done Singapore Math and Rod and Staff grammar as well as FLL. Will this be an ok transisition? I need a break from teaching and quite frankly I am struggleing with the higher level of learning in math, science and grammar. I wasn't an accademic and think I will benefit from the teaching from BJU. I do however feel a little apprehensive turning it over and that is why I am hanging onto history. I just didn't know if TOG would be a bit ambitious. I love it and want to do and don't feel compelled to do it all. Thanks for reading and any advice ahead of time.

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If I could afford the DVD route, I'd be using it this year. I think their math and LA are well written. Our local CS uses their math program and has bumped the grades up a grade level (grade 4 uses grade 5 math text). I've looked into their language (grammar) and it seems similar in approach to FLL...very strong on grammar topics just not done orally.


I don't know much about TOG, but it seems like you should be able to do it since you will have some of your time freed up with 2 using the DVD program. The only problem might be finding the time to do it with them involved with DVD school.

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