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If LC 1 isn't working for us...


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We're on Lesson 7 in LC1. I feel like we're getting nowhere. I don't know what it is. We do fine with the vocab, prayers, etc, but the grammar isn't sticking. What's your favorite Latin program for middle school age kids that won't overwhelm them? They're both dyslexic, but doing pretty well academically.


Thanks so much for any help!

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We're on Lesson 7 in LC1. I feel like we're getting nowhere. I don't know what it is. We do fine with the vocab, prayers, etc, but the grammar isn't sticking. What's your favorite Latin program for middle school age kids that won't overwhelm them? They're both dyslexic, but doing pretty well academically.


Thanks so much for any help!

Is this for your 13 year old? LC1 is for younger beginners. That's why it moves so slowly--it's for 3rd graders.


You should take a look at the new Middle School Latin program from Memoria Press, First Form Latin. I am beta testing it now,and it is awesome!


It will be available this summer, complete with dvds.

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We're on Lesson 7 in LC1. I feel like we're getting nowhere. I don't know what it is. We do fine with the vocab, prayers, etc, but the grammar isn't sticking. What's your favorite Latin program for middle school age kids that won't overwhelm them? They're both dyslexic, but doing pretty well academically.


Thanks so much for any help!


What about the grammar isn't sticking? Do you mean they are having a hard time applying it in the exercises, or a hard time memorizing the forms? If it's memorizing forms, I will say that there is a lot to memorize, but if your intent is to keep going through LC2, they'll get memorized sooner or later if you keep chanting them and systematically cycling through them a few times a week. If it's applying grammar to exercises, this will get easier with time and memory. I remember reading in the TM for either LC1 or LC2 that we should expect students to make mistakes in the exercises and that it is normal, as they are learning to pay attention to very specific details in a new language. I've found that to be true. We are coming to the end of LC2 now, and ds pretty much knows the grammar forms and exercises are getting easier. We're starting Henle First Year in July with the MP guides, and I'm told that the first four units (so basically both MP guides that are worth 2 years of work) contain a lot of review of what we've already started in LC, so, the memory work will carry over into that, as well. This was a HUGE relief for me to hear!!!!! There'll be new grammar info., but it doesn't seem so overwhelming now that we've gone through LC2.



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My plan was to finish LC 1 and then order First Form Latin. My 13 y.o. is ahead of my almost 11 y.o., but he's had such a hard time overcoming his dyslexia that we got a late start on Latin. I really didn't want to start until he had English mastered! We're finally at a place where he can handle about anything. My older 2 started Latin together, so it would be nice to keep them working at the same level, but that may not be possible much longer. My 2 1/2 year old and 18 mo. old keep us hopping, so anything that we can combine helps!

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They memorize it okay, but I'm wondering if the understanding is there. Also, we aren't using the CD anymore because the accent was bothering us a little bit. Maybe I should order the DVD's? I don't know. My kids tend to "space out" when learning from a video.

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I'm wondering if the understanding is there.


I don't always use the CD, either. I figure if we can figure out the pronunciation of letters/combinations from the guide, then the CD isn't that essential.


I just looked to see what was going on around lesson 7 of LC1 - and I CLEARLY remember how confused *I* was at those lessons! It took me a long time to wrap my head around the idea of a noun declension - and then looking at the differences between them all, wow! The thing that helped me was to keep ahead of ds by one week (one lesson per week) - I'd make the cards, write notes about the gist of the grammar lesson to give him for his notebook, and study the forms to understand the grammar. Some nights I'd sit there for an hour or two, just trying to absorb the grammar concept, so that I could explain it to him (and write notes for him), simply, next week. I can honestly say now that I understand what a declension is, and am getting the grammar more and more. So is ds. For some reason, that declension business was just hard to understand....I had studied Spanish and French in high school and "got" conjugations, but not declensions. Anyway, I say all that to say that if you want to carry on with LC1, it does get easier, esp. if you can prepare a little bit ahead of your kids, so they can hear your explanation of the TM notes (I found the notes in there confusing at times, too).



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Thanks so much, everyone! My confusion is probably part of it. I had years of Spanish in high school and college, and as helpful as that's been, I'm still confused with the grammar of Latin. I'm going to re-read the TM tonight and try to make some notes. I may look into the DVD's, too, and learn to overlook the accent!:)

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I just have to jump in here and recommend The Great Latin Adventure by Katharine Birkett (ClassicalLegacyPress.com). I like is so much better than LC b/c it really helps you to learn the grammar of Latin in a systematic way! The author has the student work with First Declension Nouns & Adjs and First Conjugation Verbs for a long time before even introducing 2nd Declension or 2nd Conjugation. It is no wonder kids get so confused in LC when they are exposed to nouns from several declensions at once and verbs from different conjugations. In The Great Latin Adventure, the teaching notes are very thorough and explain everything so clearly. You may go to the website and see some sample pages.

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Thank you, I appreciate your input. That does look interesting! I'm bookmarking that site in case we stay stuck. I re-read the TM for LC 1 last night, and I think part of my problem is that I'm expecting too much from us. Deeper understanding and application of the grammar are meant to come later, and as usual, I'm getting ahead of myself.:001_huh: We'll see how it goes in the next month or so.

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