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Latin or Spanish first?

Annie Laurie

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I'm having a terrible time deciding. I was thinking about doing Song School Latin with a K, 2nd, and 3rd grader but I'm wondering if I should take advantage of their young ages and probable ease in learning a new language and teach them a living language and save Latin for middle school. My MIL speaks fluent Spanish and lives in a different state, but we see each other often and she calls often so she could speak to them in Spanish and help them practice. ETA: One reason I was thinking of Latin first is that my ds8 really wants to study for the spelling bee and I think Latin would help.




Why did you choose Latin first or a living language first?

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I don't disagree with TWTM premise that Latin is important for children to learn. However, you have to look at why you want you kids to learn a language. I live in a state (TX) where every other person you meet (if not more) speaks Spanish - either as their only language or 2nd language. I think it would be very helpful to my kids for them to learn Spanish.


However, I have chosen to work with my 9 year old on Latin first. Why? Because I think the structure of the language will help her in her English grammar lessons, as well as the fact that she wants to become a veterinarian when she grows up and having a good base in Latin will help her later. Of course, it should also help her learn Spanish fairly easy as well.


I think in your case, Latin may be the way to go first too, since you think it will help her in spelling bees, something she that appears to be a really important interest for her.


Personally, while I think Latin is important to learn when possible, I don't think it is vital. If your child turns out to not be interested after all, I see no real harm in just skipping over to Spanish. I took almost 4 years of Spanish in high school and it did a lot for me in terms of learning structure, and I was able to better understand English grammar because of that.

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I don't disagree with TWTM premise that Latin is important for children to learn. However, you have to look at why you want you kids to learn a language. I live in a state (TX) where every other person you meet (if not more) speaks Spanish - either as their only language or 2nd language. I think it would be very helpful to my kids for them to learn Spanish.


However, I have chosen to work with my 9 year old on Latin first. Why? Because I think the structure of the language will help her in her English grammar lessons, as well as the fact that she wants to become a veterinarian when she grows up and having a good base in Latin will help her later. Of course, it should also help her learn Spanish fairly easy as well.


I think in your case, Latin may be the way to go first too, since you think it will help her in spelling bees, something she that appears to be a really important interest for her.


Personally, while I think Latin is important to learn when possible, I don't think it is vital. If your child turns out to not be interested after all, I see no real harm in just skipping over to Spanish. I took almost 4 years of Spanish in high school and it did a lot for me in terms of learning structure, and I was able to better understand English grammar because of that.


I think you and I share a similar view. I want to do Latin with my kids but am not going to force them through it if it's misery for them. Spanish is non-negotiable, however; in today's world learning another language is important. I also live in TX, that's why it will be Spanish.


I think my kids might like Latin though, my ds8 loves anything systematic and orderly and he is great at memorizing. I've never read LCC and wonder what the author has to say about Latin, because I agreed with his points on the importance of memory work in his Living Memory book.

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