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Bellhop and Valet Tipping

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We are going to be staying at a very nice hotel and I want to make sure we are tipping these gentlemen accordingly. (Valet parking, not personal valet.) Is $5.00 per "help" scenario appropriate or should it be more? I just don't know. We normally stay in "help yourself" kinds of places! :D

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I'm a $5 tipper. On my most recent stays at nicer places I have handed a $5 to both the valet and the bellhop and it has been well received. Last month when we checked into a hotel with *all* our children and had tons of luggage we tipped more because the luggage was overflowing. :D


Of course if they stink in service- I tip less. If they go out of their way to be helpful I may tip more.


Have a wonderful time in your travels!!!!!



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