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I am trying to figure out

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how this may be perceived. . .


I guess it could one of two ways -- a shameless "look-at-my-blog"




a "virtual-field-trip".


I'm hoping it will be taken as the latter, and finally decided to post about it here.


My DH surprised me at Christmas with a Mediterranean cruise. (My folks had been planning one, so he asked and piggy-backed me with them.)


What I found, whilst away, is that I looked at EVERYTHING with an "Oh-I-can-SO-use-this-in-our-school!" mentality.


The 2-week cruise is now over, jet-lag has finally left me, and I'm posting my journal on my blog. Of course, there are "personal" viewpoints on there (it's my "journal", after all), but I'm adding things learned, and PICTURES (trying to keep "school pictures" seperate from family pictures).


My hope, as stated previously, is that this will be seen as a "field trip" of sorts -- of special interest to those studying the Ancient period.


My greater hope is that others will post their "trips". It doesn't have to be of far away places, as that's all relative anyway. I think it would be fantastic if we had a virtual field trip log. One place to "see the world", and experience it through another.

Edited by Christine
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