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SOTW3... we've lost the FUN


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We had such fun with SOTW1 and 2. So many fun activities and interesting cultures to dive into.

C just isn't enjoying history this year. It doesn't help that I have struggled to find book rec's that aren't all about US history. We also have a very poor library system so most books I look for just aren't there.

We are finding the AB activity ideas just a little young for him. He is "sick" of Narrations and while I do believe that the occasional narration is very important, I really don't think it's necessary to narrate every. single. chapter.

I'm really feeling stumped as to what to do to inject a little fun back into history. It has always been C's favourite subject and this year he is just not enjoying it.

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Just some simple ideas...

* Take a break from your regular routine and use SOTW on CD. Have your children draw while they listen. Sometimes a different voice does wonders.

* A friend of mine has her kids act out parts of the stories.

* Some variety in narration - After listening to a section, I sometimes ask my kids to rattle off all the names, or places or big events they heard.

* Have your ds ask you questions (of course he has to know the answers!)

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We are also in SOTW 3..


My kids really like historical documentaries, so we're getting a lot of those -- I can get some from the univ library and some you can even find online. Plus there are relavent literary works that are starting to come up now, we are both reading them and looking for screen adaptations.


Also, they really like crafts (which I'm kind of slack on in general), so we even revisit crafts we did before with SOTW 2 or even 1. I think a lot of the art programs out there might connect really well as there are more art pieces to tie-in timewise.


My older enjoys mapwork, so I've added in more for him to do than is generally given in the AG -- mostly having to label maps himself (funny what some kids find enjoyable, lol). For each chapter I generally spend a few minutes searching on Google for any lesson plans already out there, I often find ideas for new projects, or worksheets that are more engaging for him.



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