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CC - What would you buy for a co-op?


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I'm thinking about doing CC as a co-op. I've heard the pros and cons of doing it this way, but cost is my problem. Since cost is also a concern for buying materials, what would you buy? Here's what I'm thinking....


VP Cards - yes, because that's the history timeline work

Essentials - no - I can't buy it anyway if not enrolled

IEW - yes, I'll buy the one that matches what we're studying


Would you:

Buy the Foundations manual to extract all of your other memory work

or -

Buy the memory cards instead

or -

Buy the CD's instead?


Any suggestions would be most helpful!


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VP Cards - yes, because that's the history timeline work

Yes! Buy these. I laminated mine for $16.00 with pouches that go through a laminator.....the 6x9 size from OregonLam.com $5.95 flat rate shipping....See if you can get some others to go in on this with you. It's the cheapest best way. I hole punched mine on the bottom so the cards fall when practicing..



Essentials - no - I can't buy it anyway if not enrolled

Are your kids old enough for Essentials? IF so, then I hear that SHurley Grammar is really close...and gets the dialogue going.



IEW - yes, I'll buy the one that matches what we're studying You can probably find this used.


Would you:

Buy the Foundations manual to extract all of your other memory work

or -

Buy the memory cards instead

or -

Buy the CD's instead?

You can join the CC "C3" for about $6 a month. You'll need to join for a month at the beginning...and a month around the 11 wks mark. The put the memory work on there 12 weeks at a time. Everyone is suppose to purchase the book...but you can probably find a used one for really cheap....and make the corrections with a red pen.


Any suggestions would be most helpful!



Hope That Helps...


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Actually, you can only join the CC C3 community at that price if you are part of a traditional CC group that's working with Leigh. You get that price by using a 90% off discount code.


Frankly, what I got from it wasn't even worth $6/month.


There is a yahoo group where you can get ideas:




There are other blogs, too. Here's one: (Post others if you have them.)


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Yup....that's right...only if you're part of a CC group, but I thought she meant that she was going to be part of a CC group.... I see now that you meant a co-op that uses some CC material.

I think that the C3 was well worth the $6 I spent. My kids really liked playing the tutorial. You can also get the Memory Resource CD....which is different than the Memory Work cd...



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Thanks for the info! Do you find the Foundations manual helpful? Should I buy the Memory Cards, or the Memory work on CD? What seems to be the easiest way for a family to do the memory work (which resource)?



The foundations guide...and the Audio CD ...not the memory cards....but yes to the Veritas Press cards:-) And, if you have a pc computer....the Memory Work Resource CD...would be worth it....if you want the extras:-)


If you don't care about making corrections, you can get the 2nd edition Foundations Guide pretty cheap...probably:-)



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