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Is RS4K II considered pre-chemistry?

Chez J

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I don't know if that counts as "pre-chemistry", but high school biology has NO prerequisites (other than being ready for high school work, of course). Many science programs include a "Physical Science" course (a combination of intro to physics and intro to chemistry, with sometimes some earth/space science thrown in) the year before "Biology", but it isn't necessary in order to do well in biology.

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Having done high school bio last year with a 9th grader, and using RS4K II chem this year with a 6th grader, I can say with certainty -- no way. You definitely don't need this kind of chemistry before bio. My son used the Prentice-Hall Biology (dragonfly cover) for his high school bio. This book is fairly rigorous, and I would recommend it without reservation. He had used Concepts and Challenges Physical Science (like Spock's mention of a combo intro to physics & chem) a few years back, and he'd read Tiner's Exploring the World of Chemistry in 7th grade. While I'm sure previous year's work created the "hooks" to hang the biology lessons, I wouldn't call any of it a necessary prerequisite.


Turning to the RS4K II, which we are using for 2 quarters this year for a 6th grader, I would say get your hands on it, if possible, and really look at it before you decide to use it. Flip to chapters 7 and 8, for example. As the author herself describes it: In many ways Level II Chemistry presents more detail than most high school text books, but it is not comprehensive. It does not include topics such as kinetics or thermodynamics, for example. But it does cover hybrid bonds and molecular machines which is [sic] not typically taught in high school. (from the Gravitas Yahoo group)


I would agree -- very in depth for very specific topics, but not comprehensive. It's a strange mix -- it has the appearance of a text for much younger kids (huge print, cartoon graphics), but the content is quite advanced. Now, my 6th grader is very sciencey (grin), and he likes the book, but personally, I don't care for it and wouldn't recommend it. (We used all three level I books, and I would recommend those.)

Just my 2c.



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