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Middle Ages Spine w/a Christian Worldview?


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When you get to the Reformation, you'll need a resource that matches your view or have the ability to explain what your family believes. I had problems with this because almost every Christian resource for the grammar and early logic stage takes the Catholic, Lutheran, or Calvanist view, and we come from an Anabaptist tradition (and unfortunately they were persecuted severely during that period by all of the preceeding!). I had to read an adult Anabaptist publication and then explain things to my children as we read some of the more child-appropriate resources.

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When you get to the Reformation, you'll need a resource that matches your view or have the ability to explain what your family believes. I had problems with this because almost every Christian resource for the grammar and early logic stage takes the Catholic, Lutheran, or Calvanist view, and we come from an Anabaptist tradition (and unfortunately they were persecuted severely during that period by all of the preceeding!). I had to read an adult Anabaptist publication and then explain things to my children as we read some of the more child-appropriate resources.


Thank you for this very important reminder. I will discuss this with dh and carefully consider it before deciding!

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