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Apologia Exploring Creation - What age?


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Only you can really know whether it's a good fit for your child or not. However, it is a great book that ,even if the reading level is below your child, the text and how much you expect out of your child can easily be brought up to his level. I wanted to buy it last year and listened to advice that it was meant for 5th and 6th graders. Now, I'm kicking myself because my daughter could have EASILY have done it last year. I just wouldn't have required all the notebooking like I am this year. Check out the yahoo group. They'll answer all your questions and Jeannie Fulbright posts all the notebook pages there for free.


FWIW we're doing Botany this year and we LOVE it! I'm intending to do "Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day" next year and continue to do her books until High School.




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I am doing it with my 8, 6, and 4 year old boys and they absolutely love it. I am 39 and I absolutely love it. I have learned so much from Fulbright and enjoyed how the book reads. Maybe you can find a more appropriate level to be his spine and have Expoloring creation with Astronomy be one of his readers. I believe he will enjoy the book.

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