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Spelling Workout placement advice...


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Hello - My ds has been using Abeka spelling workbooks for 1st through 4th grade and he does very well with them. I was looking to change for next year (5th grade) to the Spelling Workout workbooks. According to the WTM you would use Book F for 5th grade. I have also read elsewhere that the Spelling Workout books are a grade behind. I would love to hear from anyone who has used them or are familiar with them if Book F would be the best choice for him considering the info above.


Thank you so much for your time in answering! :001_smile:

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DS8 (2nd grade) is just finishing SWO C and starting D. I expect him to finish F by early 4th grade at this pace. He's a strong reader and, as far as I can tell, a pretty natural speller, so I don't know if SWO is a grade behind or spelling is just his thing.


Can you look at someone's copies of F and G to get an idea of the word groups covered?


By the way, although he dislikes workbooks in general, he has always loved SWO, and I like the various dictionary/proofreading/vocabulary exercises it includes. We usually do an oral pretest then skip the first exercise (re-writing the words) except for those he missed in the pretest.


Best wishes!

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My 9 year old 4th grader is doing book F right now, but he has done it from the beginning so has most of the spelling rules down. By book F there is more work on prefixes and suffixes and that kind of stuff. Also, there is a proofreading assignment at the end of every lesson so if he has never done any of that, he will have a little learning curve. Does he read cursive well? All of the lists are written in cursive at this level.


Here are some of the topics covered in book F:


/k/ /kw/ /n/; hard and soft c and g, dge; gn, wr, tch; silent consonants; ways to make the /s/, /z/, /zh/ sounds; spellings of the long o sound; spellings of the oo sound; spellings of the long a sound; prefixes, suffixes, rules for adding suffixes, plurals, homonyms, abbreviations.

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Thank you both for your thoughts that helps a lot. Just as a follow-up - if he already has the phonics rules down would F then be the best book? I am going to try and get my hands on a F & G book but in case I can't I was wondering if anyone who has used them could tell me the difference of their focus.


Thanks again!

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