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FLL3 to R&S 5?


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I have a bright 4th grader who is finishing up FLL3 this year. She has done very well with FLL3, but I'm not sure I want to use FLL4. I think she's ready for something a bit more challenging, and I'm looking at R&S. Can this be used on grade level for a child who hasn't used R&S previously, or should I start with R&S 4?



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DD9 is just finishing FLL3. And I too think she could easily jump into a 5th grade English textbook. I too wasn't really sure I wanted to continue with FLL4. It just seems like so much repetition and more of the same. I looked into BJU English/grammar and it looks like she could do grade 5. I wanted to mention though that in the diagramming part of BJU or even Abeka they give them longer sentences and then ask them to diagram just the subject and verb. Up until this point, in FLL3 they have just been given only the words they will actually diagram.


For example in FLL3 they are given the sentence: Suzy jumps. and then they are given the diagram lines and only have to fill in the blanks. In a 5th grade text they might be given a sentence like this: My little sister Suzy jumps on the trampoline in our back yard. and then asked to diagram only the subject and verb. And they might be asked to draw their own diagram. Now I tested my 9yo today to see if she could pick out the subject and verb and DO. She could without any trouble. Tomorrow I'll see if she can diagram them on her own without any lines drawn for her. My guess is that she'll be fine with that too.


I think that a child who has done at least FLL3 should do OK in R&S or Abeka or BJU b/c the foundation is so strong, but I don't know that from experience. I would try and look at the books somehow and see what you thought from there.


FWIW, I'll probably still do FLL4 next after FLL3, b/c I don't really want to progress into anything else yet. I mean they get English/grammar instruction for the rest of their school years and I don't want to make it drudgery. R&S seems like it is a lot of copying onto paper b/c of the hardbound book and no workbook to go along with it. It might get very boring.

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  • 2 years later...

+++++++++++WARNING OLD THREAD++++++++++++++++++++++


I'm just reviving this VERY old thread to see how this worked out. We are finishing FFL3 with a 4th grader and looking to move into R&S. R&S 5 looks like something we could do, just from the samples.


Any advice is appreciated.

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We are finishing FFL3 with a 4th grader and looking to move into R&S. R&S 5 looks like something we could do, just from the samples.


Any advice is appreciated.


As it was back before FLL-3 or FLL-4 had come out, ds had done only a little grammar before he started R&S-5 at the beginning of 5th grade. We took our time on the new stuff, and he ended up doing R&S-5 and R&S-6 over his 5th through 7th grade years. This was great with me, since it was still accelerated compared to what's being done in the schools, both public and private.


Dd did FLL-3 and FLL-4 over her 3rd-5th grade years and is nearly halfway through R&S-5 now (she's in 6th). She is able to go through R&S-5 much faster than ds did. I expect her to finish R&S-5 by the end of this year and then finish R&S-6 in 7th grade.


I think either way, you'll be in good shape!



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