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Biblioplan or SOTW1 AG?


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Hi, new here,


My dd and I are taking the plunge this fall and I have a few questions. I have both the SOTW1 and Biblioplan for Ancients in front of me. I'm trying to decide between just using the AG, which I don't have, or if Biblioplan is a good fit for me. I would love some feedback.


I like the idea of having the schedule laid out for me, but I'm fine with picking and choosing as well. I'm mostly wanting to make things as simple as possible while adjusting to homeschooling.


I guess I'm wondering if the AG has it all laid out nicely, is the Biblioplan option overkill? Which plan do you prefer?


My dd will be in 5th grade and has not had any Ancient History before. She is a voracious reader and eager to learn.


Thanks for any insight and opinions on these two products. I have been enjoying reading this forum for several weeks...

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I would go with Biblioplan. It already has which books you are to read to fifth grade and up instead of having to hunt through the lists given in the AG. It is more age appropriate. SOTW AG was written with a 1st grader in mind. Also, Biblioplan would count as Bible and History.


This might through you off a little, but-

Have you looked at My Fathers World Creation to the Greeks? It does not use SOTW 1. I'm not quite sure why because they use SOTW 2-4 for the next 3 periods in history. MFW is all inclusive. It is set up similar to Biblioplan, but teaches all subjects instead of just Bible and History. Also, it is specifically made for children you dc's age, not 1st graders.

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So, with Biblioplan, SOTW 1 is used? I have a (will be ) 6th grader and 1st grader. I'm trying for a kinda LCC approach. Latin, Greek, arithmetic, and history are the most important in our day. (I think this next year, we'll be learning the Catechism for Bible) We do Classical Conversations, so I was thinking of Famous Men of series.....

I'm happy this thread was started, since I don't know anyone using Biblioplan.


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I would think Biblioplan would be a better fit. I have the SOTW 2 AG, and it seems to mainly list books for K-4th graders. Biblioplan has a lot of books scheduled that are great for 5th-8th graders.


I'm getting ready to start Biblioplan year 2 with my dc in a few months. Biblioplan schedules several possible spines (you don't need to use them all), including SOTW. They also schedule other books for older children, like the Famous Men books you mentioned. They have age-appropriate readers and read-alouds scheduled for you. The SOTW AG is useful for me, because I have younger ones. We'll use some of the activities and coloring sheets.


Since I'll have 5 children ranging from K to 6th grade, I'll use the Biblioplan schedule for SOTW and read-alouds with all of them. For everything else they will be using only the resources appropriate for them.


Hope this helps.





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I use BP and the SOTW AG. They mesh nicely. I use the coloring pages, review cards and activities and then use BP for our reading schedule, mapping and timeline. Even my 5th grader enjoys some of the AG things. I have used a couple of the maps in the AG when I thought they were better or wanted more for a topic. I do like that BP has a specific unit on Israel so we get our Bible History in that way. I have kids in K, 3rd and 5th and have found the BP book list very age appropriate. I've also used the booklist in the AG when I've wanted more picture books for my Ker on a particular topic. I plan on doing the same thing next year with Middle Ages.

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It sounds like Biblioplan will be the best fit for my 5th grader. I've been looking through it today and it is rich. It does have the "Men of" series worked into it. I got some Hands and Hearts history kits to correlate with it since they won't be selling those anymore after another week or so. I'll use their Bible readings in the mornings before we start school.


I've been looking at other posts and it sounds like the Biblioplan maps would be a good fit for her as well, although I will get a more generic timeline that she can write on herself as per WTM.


Thanks for the input...it helps me a lot. We are both so excited. She has already been checking out books about Ancient History on her own. I may end up beginning Biblioplan in the evenings while she finishes out her school year because she is so eager.


I'll be asking for more advice!

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