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Would this be insane??? (TOG questions inside)

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OK - if I decide to use TOG as a crutch for high school, can I still keep my younger ds following WTM for logic stage?


I have all the books, I feel comfortable keeping the logic-stage schedule rather loosy-goosy, and - oh, yeah! - I have all the books! Really, I've been so pleased with the results WTM has given my older ds, so I see no reason to change what has worked.


(Yes, I know I *could* do anything :glare:, but would a TOG veteran advise it and say, "Oh, yeah, sure - no problem." Can you tell dh is no help here?)


Also, if I use TOG with Writing Aids for high school, would it replace the Rhetoric, the Grammar *and* the Writing recs for high school in WTM? I'm guessing Writing Aids might not be as thorough, but certainly adequate for high school? (Probably not the best word choice)


Oh, and do they still have the deal with one of the online writing programs? I haven't seen that anywhere on the TOG website.


Thanks for all your help!


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Oh, and do they still have the deal with one of the online writing programs? I haven't seen that anywhere on the TOG website.


Hi Rhonda,


I asked that same question on the TOG forum and fortunately was given the website link: http://www.writeathome.com/Display.aspx?tabid=169


I have planned on using that with my dd once she hits 6th or 7th grade, because grading writing is one of my weak spots.



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