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Compare TT5 to Math matters 5?


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My son used TT Math 5. I am not familiar with the other program you mention.


He was part way through Singapore 4 but the explanations were lacking. As soon as TT Math 5 was available he started with it - even though he was in 4th grade. He has done extremely well since switching.


The explanations in TT are excellent - no extra explanations are needed from me - ever.


The sequence of TT is slightly different to most math texts available because it was written for homeschoolers - who are not limited by any State's curriculum requirements. Each State has a set of requirements written up for

their math curriculum. Before a math text can be used in a PS it has to meet the requirements for that State. But each state differs slightly to the others. Hence in one State Topic A might be required in 5th grade and Topic B in 6th grade, where another state would have this reversed. The result is that any math text has to cover both topics in 5th grade. So texts that are written for PS jump around a lot, which can create a lot of confusion.


TT was written only for homeschoolers, so the sequence of topics is based on when the student is ready to learn - and that only after the foundation has been well laid. Most kids find TT "easy" because all confusion and haste has been done away with.

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My son used TT Math 5. I am not familiar with the other program you mention.


He was part way through Singapore 4 but the explanations were lacking. As soon as TT Math 5 was available he started with it - even though he was in 4th grade. He has done extremely well since switching.




My 4th grader is also using TT Math 5 and we've been quite pleased! (We used BJU math prior to this and he went from BJU 3 into TT Math 5 without a problem).


My son loves the fact that there's no writing involved!! He keeps a notebook next to the keyboard, to use as scratch paper to work out problems if he needs to, but all the answers are typed into the computer and that's a real plus for him!


I haven't seen Math Matters, but TT is working out beautifully so far!

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TT does a lot of review of work from the prior grade before moving onto new material.

There are placement tests on TT's website to help guide you.

You could also look over the Table of Contents - that will give you an idea of topics covered in each level, and whether or not your children have already done the material.


Some of us skipped a grade because TT 4 is not yet available, and also because of the program we had previously used.

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I would say that TT puts a lot of review into the beginning of their programs (I've also used them for my older two from Prealgebra up).


The first 30 lessons or so of TT was pure review for my 9yo and that made it easier for him to make the transition.


I know that their sequence is a little different in the upper level maths (topics introduced later than is 'usual'). But I love TT because math was my worst subject in school and I love the fact that the solutions are there for every problem -- this is especially important to me at the high school level.


And, because I own all the TT books from Prealgebra through Precalculus, I know that I plan to keep my 9yo in TT all the way through high school, so I went ahead and transitioned him in, once I saw that TT Math 5 had plenty of review. He was able to jump in and get his feet wet, so to speak, before new topics were introduced.

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