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Has anyone used Thinkwell's Chemistry TestPrep course?

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It says 30 days online access for $17.95. I am wondering how well this would work as a prep for the AP chem test? He is doing Apologia Chem and Adv Chem this year along with the labs in the MicroChem Kit and I am thinking of having him do the AP test in the spring.



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No, but we bought the Thinkwell Chemistry CD-Roms used and I love them based on what I watched when they arrived. They're on the shelf for next year. I can't speak for the on-line course, but I think the CD-Roms are an excellent addition to a Chemistry course (we're going to use a different course.)

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did you also get the lecture notes or just the CD's? Thanks!


We only bought the CD-Roms, because we're doing Conceptual Chemistry. We're not at the AP level yet. Dd will have the text, the Thinkwell lectures & the Chemistry Alive! lectures. The last one goes with the book, but Thinkwell was recommended here.


I'm not sure what we'll do when we get to AP.

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