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Math Question - K, 1 placement


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I haven't posted here before...I did a search on Abeka math and ended up over here! I never thought of coming over here, but maybe it's good.


DS is 3.5 and is halfway through Saxon K. He is having NO problem and is writing his numbers great through what we've learned so far.(Just found this out today, lol!) I planned on switching to Abeka K next year for a second Preschool year, and then doing Abeka 1 for K, going back to Saxon if we needed to spend an additional year on a grade level in the future, if necessary. After reading a post on here from a few days ago, about the gal who's dd was flying through Abeka K, I thought I'd ask - how different is Abeka K from Saxon K? Do I dare move him up to Abeka 1 next year?!? I have never been a pusher, but I don't want us to be bored to tears next year! (Fwiw, we are switching to Abeka b/c I've heard how great abeka students learn the math facts; I did Abeka myself and am fine with it...I am enjoying Saxon, as well, but hear it gets dry in 1.)



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I no longer have Saxon K, but can say there is bound to be some repetition between Saxon K and Abeka K -- how much, I can't say.


If you go to Abeka's website, you can sign up with them and you should be sent notifications as to where homeschool shows will be set up at local hotels (there is one in my area every quarter it seems) -- this will allow you to inspect the curriculum much more closely before buying it.


I've used Abeka K for my pre-k level children, because it was very easy for them to do pretty much on their own, and then moved to Abeka 1 for K. Beyond Arithmetic 1, Abeka hasn't worked so well, as it began to be less "fun" and too repetitive for my children.

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Thanks, Lisa, I do want to check it out and try it...I've heard it's only good for "so" long. :)


Since you did use it, do I need to buy the curriculum, also? I don't see what that would have in it that the workbook and TM doesn't have?

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No, you don't need the math curriculum. I skip the parts (or make them up) where it says choose the answer for the question your teacher asks, or whatever ... for most people K math isn't something we've forgotten (shapes, skip counting, some basic addition and subtraction, introduction of coins, introduction of telling time, introduction of measurement)


Sometimes the curriculum has game ideas in it -- but honestly, I'd skip it if I were you.

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I used sigapore Kindergarten math part a and part b for my 4 year olds twins. My dd has just finished and my ds is doing part b. I only had ordered the workbook and the while the program has some good part, there were a few pages I could not do because we did not order the text book. There was also a lot of cutting and pasteing. This worked great for dd, but not so good for ds (so he just did not do it - we talked about the problem so I knew that he understood the concept)


After some debate on what to do next. I just order sigapore standard addition primary 1a for them. I ordered the text book and workbook. The text book has bright colored pictures and the workbook is black and white with problems.


Also they are currently in a private kindergarten and I am afterschooling.

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I would go to one of the homeschool conventions and look at the Abeka. That is what I did for DD and found what I wanted there since I could look at the books. I now wished I would have put her right in 1st because that is way more her level but just to make sure we don't miss anything we are going over all the lessons in K. Some days I read the lesson and it is nothing new so we move on to the next one.

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I've used/tried several different math curr with my 3 oldest dds, Rightstart, Singapore, Shiller, Abeka, and MCP (and have looked at Saxon extensively but have not used it). I'm currently using Abeka 1 with my 6 yo, mainly because she loves workbooks and its colorful and fun for her. Honestly, if I had an advanced math preschooler like you, I'd use a curriculum that teaches more interesting strategy and math thinking skills, but just go at whatever pace the child wants. I would be suggesting something like Rightstart or Singapore vs Abeka or Saxon. I'd start at the K level and just move along quickly if it seems too easy.


My husband is an engineering professor and I was an engineer years ago (seems like a lifetime!) so we're pretty anal about the math curriculum we use, but this is just my .02 :).



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