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Writing Tales II - on to CW Homer or does he need CW Aesop first?

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This is a next year plan...but I wanted to get opinions from those who have BTDT. If your child completed WT II, did they then move directly to CW Homer or did you do CW Aesop first? I know a lot of WT II is Aesop, so just wondering. Will he be missing something?


Also, my child is not a great writer just yet - he is working on it...but writing is not his greatest strength. He is doing well with WT though.


What else do you use with CW Homer? Did/do you use a seperate grammar and/or literature? This year, I am using a combo of LLATL, GWG 4, and WT II. I pick and pull from each and make my own English curriculum.


Where is the best place to buy CW Homer?

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I can't give you a complete answer - but, we did most of CW Aesop A - and then I got frustrated and thought WT would be a nice change of pace - I quickly realized it was far too redundant and easy after going through CW. I have not looked at WT 2 - but my understanding is that WT 1 & 2 cover pretty much similar material to CW Aesop - and I think you probably do not need to do both. You definitely would not want to do CW Aesop A - that would be taking a step back in my opinion. I have not used CW Aesop B, so I cannot comment directly on it, but - if you feel your child had grasped the concepts of rewriting a fable presented in WT - then I would move on to Homer myself.

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