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Time traveler guides to history


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I think I posted about these before, but that was in my previous guise, and that thread got deleted 😉 

Anyway, I picked these up in February on a lark, and we've been going through with the kids by their request: 


Sophisticated they are not, lol, and they are snarky and full of silly jokes. But these are the first history books DD8 actually seems to be enjoying (she's usually much more into math and science, and when it comes to reading, mostly into fiction.) 

Anyway, we just went through the Greece one, and they want to do the Rome one next 😄 . We've been reading it with her globe by her side, so we can find all the countries it talks about on it, to connect it to our world. 

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10 hours ago, Ordinary Shoes said:

My daughter read this book last year, Two Miserable Presidents: Everything Your Schoolbooks Didn't Tell You About the Civil War. Your daughter might like when you get to American history. It's funny and tells interesting facts about the Civil War instead of endless discussions about the battles and where General So-and-So was in comparison to General So-and-So during the Battle of Whatever.*

*My Civil War buff father would not appreciate my snark here. LOL. Me and my dad at every Civil War battlefield.

Thanks!! We'll have to take a look. 

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