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Zaccarro Math Books and Khan Academy - 5th Grade


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Hi everyone, I haven't posted here in awhile, but now I really need some help.  I have a rising gifted 5th grader.  She seems to instinctively get math, but does not enjoy it.  We have tried several different math programs and combos.  Started out with Horizons, she liked the color, but there were way to many problems and review.  We moved to Singapore US edition, but again she said their were too many problems (using text and workbook).  Tried Math Lessons for a Living Education, which she liked because it was so short and easy, and she liked the story aspect, but she learned nothing about completing almost 2 full levels.  Used Khan Academy for awhile while I tried to figure out what to do ... went back to Singapore.  We have been using just the textbook, supplementing with Zaccarro Challenge Math books because she loves word problems.  This kind of works, but she really dislikes Singapore (she says the setup of the book/examples and the artwork).  She liked Khan Academy because of the badges and missions.  Would doing Khan Academy and Zaccarro work for a full year of math?  If so, how would you arrange them together?

I have also thought about trying Beast Academy? Life of Fred? (She has several Life of Fred books, likes the story but doesn't really do the math ...)


Any ideas for me?

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