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Hi I was wondering if this club is still open. 

I have a small business of 1.  I am a certified art teacher in a public school that now also teacher art online to homeschool students.  Here is a little bit about my business.

Smart Art Club is online art classes for homeschool students. 
  • Ages range from 5 to 14 years old.
  • Classes are taught by a Certified Art Teacher.
  • Classes are educational and are not crafts or Pinterest projects.
  • Classes are broken up into age groups and skill levels.
  • Students will learn about art history, art terminology, techniques, artists and art skills.
  • Classes incorporate other subjects into each class. Some subjects are reading, science, history and math.
  • Classes are online and are taught through videos.
  • Finished artwork can be uploaded to Smart Art Club Community, where other members can view and comment about their work.
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