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Anyone use WTM recs for Physics?


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I've just spent the past year doing Physics Experiments with Kids and using the recommended Usborne reference books. I did it with my dd9 and dd6 and we all loved it. They learnt a lot - we have a great folder with scientific reports for the experiments and notes and diagrams from the reference books. We used some extra kits I'd picked up from garage sales - electrical, optics and magnet kits, but apart from that, we only needed the 2 books + lots of books out from the library.


I thoroughly recommend it.



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Our library system isn't strong on Physics books either. I picked up a few books second hand which have probably been just as good as anything I've gotten from the library. I've probably only done it a couple of times this year - sat down with another book with the kids and worked through it with them. On the whole, we've been flat-out just getting through the experiments in the book, and looking up the relevant double-page spread.


We do science twice a week for an hour each, and I'd say our routine was pretty much 3 hours of experiments, including the write-ups, and then 1 hour of note-taking and diagrams to consolidate what we'd learned. So we only had one note-taking hour every 2 weeks. I found we needed a full hour to read, discuss, write notes and draw a diagram. This worked really well for us. I'm an ex-science highschool teacher and I learnt a lot this past year!





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