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7th grade algebra for kid planning to do public HS


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My son will be in 7th grade next year. He's strong in math and doing CLE and some KAHN this year and will do algebra next year in 7th. Then I guess geometry in 8th. As of now (my mind has flip flopped but I'm pretty sure it will be this way) he'll be going to public high school. So in 9th I guess he'll be taking algebra 2? 

Anyway, I guess I wondered if anyone could recommend a good algebra program for that situation. 

Thanks 🙂

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21 hours ago, calbear said:

Perhaps you should find out what is being taught at the high school. You could run into problem if your high school follows an Integrated Math progression.


I agree with this. find out what materials, or at the very least, the scope of the materials that are used in the high school(and what they will have used in the middle school that feeds into that high school) that you are planning to send him to.

My high school did integrated math, and it made things difficult for me, as a student coming from a middle school that taught with a different program.


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