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TOG Classic ?


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On Saturday I spent quite a while agonizing over a copy of YR 1 classic. I didn't buy it. Now I am second guessing myself! LOL, like thats something new.

The one Q I have is: Are there as many activities and of the same quality as in the Redesign?



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What ages are your students? I loved Classic before I had Redesign, but truthfully because I want my high schoolers to have a "Great Books" education I was ready to jump ship, at least for high school (a few years back I did TOG and Veritas Omnibus with my oldest.) I would definitely be happy with Classic for Grammar and Dialectic, plus rhetoric for everything but literature. Redesign is superior at those other levels too by providing answers for dialectic level history and often church history, and because it is better organized, but I could be happy with Classic.


ETA: The real issue is out of print books, although TOG is topic driven for the most part, you don't necessarily need the book they suggest (except literature at times.)

Edited by Karenciavo
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