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Latin for Children Question


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Can I used the newer edition activity books with the older LFC program? 

If you are familiar with both editions, is it worth it to buy the newer LFC program? I have the opportunity to buy the older set for cheap, but I'm wondering if it's worth it to spend more to get the newer edition.

Thank you!

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I asked them this question and they said the topics would not completely line up. And if you use the old DVDs it won’t line up with the activity books and workbooks in the new edition. 

I was frustrated as I had just purchased this program the other year and was going to use it again with my next child with just purchasing a second workbook. But that apparently won’t work as things will not align and I’ll need new answer keys because they will no longer sell the first edition. And the DVDs I have will not quite work. I have not compared the table of contents for both editions because I was too frustrated and gave up trying to make it work. 

So I’m switching to Memoria rather than buy the next level of L4C for my oldest only to have it come out with the new edition next year. 

Now if you’re only talking about the activity book and not the student workbook, my daughter found she did not enjoy the activity book and would rather just do the workbook. So I’m not sure the activity book is essential. In the old edition it is fairly cluttered and we did not enjoy it much. 

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