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science options--christian, minimal experiments, 5th grade/7th grade


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I need to split my kids up next year for more subjects.  What are some options for science that are Christian and do not require experiments every week?  A mixture of hands-on, journaling/notebooking, independent reading, and discussion with me is fine.  Preferably only a few days a week.  I was looking at Masterbooks, but that is 5 days a week.  Apologia seems very heavy on the experiments and I just can't do that, I will go insane. My DD will be in 7th and can handle a lot more writing; my DS will be in 5th and does better with hands-on and discussion.  Anything with experiments I want the kids to be able to do themselves with my supervision and I want to be able to get a kit for them. 

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Depending which Master Books course you choose, you don't have to do them 5x a week. One of mine did the Medicine and Biology set and the worksheets were short enough that he could read the chapter and complete the worksheet at the same time. It cuts it down to 3x a week or so. Just thought I would throw that into the mix.

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