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can I use an old torn up mattress pad for quilting batting?

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I don't see why you couldn't use an old mattress pad, especially with so much encouragement to go "green" and recycle these days. Why not? A lot of the quilt batting at the fabric stores is sized to go with a specific-sized quilt. Also, certain quilters may want a heavier batting, some want a lighter batting. It all depends on the quilter.


Go with your gut. The placemats are very cute...and would be thrilled to receive some!:001_smile:

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Okay, then! I'll use that old mattress pad. It's just taking up space in my overcrowded linen closet anyway.


But here's the deal. I downloaded the instructions, and now I'm completely confused about that tape business around the edge. I need slightly more detailed info, or a tutorial, on just the application of that binding tape.... Anyone?

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