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Mr. Q Physics for 5th grade too light? Recommendations please

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Hi Everyone,


This year we will be studying physics for the first time.  I haven't been able to find a physics curriculum that I really like.


I had a chance to look at Mr. Q in person at my friend's house last night.   It looks pretty decent.   But I am wondering if Mr. Q Physics would be too light for a science loving boy?


Is there something I could add to it to beef it up?    What if I add in some "Happy Science Videos"/Brain Pop, Memory Work, and a few science worksheets?


What about Life of Fred Physics?   


Unique Needs:

1)  We will be using Memoria Press Astronomy too this year.  (I am calling that our nature study.  I don't think it would be enough "science" on its own.)   So I will only have one afternoon per week to devote to science reading, and another for lab/demonstration/project.

2)   I will be doing the demonstrations/labs with a group of children who range in age.   So I need something that works well in a group setting with a wide range of children.  (one 2nd grader, two 4th graders, one 5th grader, one 8th grader.)

3)  My children (4th and 5th) are dyslexic, so any reading will have to be done *with* them if I want them to understand.  (Unless I can find a good audiobook.)

4)  My 5th grader is REALLY into science.   Really. Really.   

5)  My kids are strong in math, but haven't done algebra yet.  (They will be completing Singapore 5A/5B next year.)


Other Programs I have looked at:

1)  Elemental Science Physics Logic Stage-  That one had promise, but I don't think the labs are going to work well in our group situation.   Plus, some of the labs don't look that great.  Normally, I would just swap them out with something I came up with.  But the way the student guide is set up, it would be sort of messy to do that.   Another thing I don't love is the amount of writing the labs require.   The kids are so distractable during our group lab demonstrations, that they seem to do better with more action and less writing.   

2)  R.E.A.L. Science Physics-  I would have to add in a bunch of reading.   And again, I have issues with the lab sheet.  I also can't tell from the samples if the experiments are any good.

3)  Bite-sized Physics-   I keep hearing people recommend this.   All I can see is the samples on currclick, but the labs don't look much different than anything else on the market.  (Make predictions about how much a diaper will hold, etc.)

4)  Noeo Science-   I love the more "Charlotte Mason" feel to this program.  But it looks expensive for what you get.  Plus, I have heard bad things about these lab kits.    

5)  How Things Work- WildflowersandMarble  The other family I am doing science with feels that this is too light and doesn't go over Physics basics well enough.   


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