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Abeka Academy vs BJU vs SOS vs ?


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Good morning!

I'm looking for input on all inclusive curriculum. I've looked at Bookshark and Timberdoodle as secular options and Sonlight as Christian based, but I'm wondering about curriculum that is done more online/computer based. Programs that grade for you, teach via DVD or live stream etc. Anyone have experience with such a program?

Thank you in advance!!

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It would help us if you would tell us the ages/grades of your kids. :)


Have you looked at k12 as an independant? I have used quite a few levels of science, history, and art and been happy with them. Can't say the same for math, music, or language arts.


Online classes through WTM Academy? Veritas Press? Memoria Press? Wilson Hill?


I can tell you BJU videos are uneven- some are old, some are new. Some teachers are boring, etc.. Some subjects are better than others. 


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That would probably be helpful, huh?! LOL! The kids are I. 6th grade, 5th grade and 2nd grade. They are coming out of a very accelerated private school, so they're all slightly above their grade levels. All are great readers. Our youngest is your typical 'busy boy' with lots of energy and a short attention span. My husband and I both work full time (he's an analyst and I'm an RN), so we were hoping to take some guess work out of putting curriculum together. Thank you for your input!!

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That would probably be helpful, huh?! LOL! The kids are I. 6th grade, 5th grade and 2nd grade. They are coming out of a very accelerated private school, so they're all slightly above their grade levels. All are great readers. Our youngest is your typical 'busy boy' with lots of energy and a short attention span. My husband and I both work full time (he's an analyst and I'm an RN), so we were hoping to take some guess work out of putting curriculum together. Thank you for your input!!

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If it helps, I will be using BJU DLO for my kids this fall. The online version for 5th on up is self-grading. I decided on this one because of the good quality academics and morals, plus my kids like the videos! 


From the sound of your situation, it might be your best bet for a quality education at home with ease of use for all. You still have to be involved following up on assignments. Science labs are done on the videos for the kids but they still need to fill out the lab reports, make sure papers are actually written, correct work, etc..

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