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My DS finished his neuropsych eval today

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and we go on November 12th for the results. We did testing last week and today and I don't know about my son, but I am exhausted! LOL.


I think he did better on some parts then I expected him to, which suprised me. She didn't have him finish the reading comp section as he did so poor on the first part she said it's obvious he has dyslexia and it would just frustrate him more to try the second part.


I was sort of hoping we could get the results mailed to us and then go in and talk about them, so I have time to research. I might call and see if she can do that instead of just meeting to hear the results.


Anything else I should ask or be aware of? Thanks!

Edited by Quiver0f10
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The NEPSY is a series of neurological test which attemptsto assess the underlying deficits for areas in which acheivement is impaired . The results are kinda pass-fail---either your kiddo was within "the expected level" for his age or not in the expected level for his age. It covers attention/executive functioning, language. Memory&Learning, Sensorimotor, Social Perception, and Visual-Spatial Processing.


The WIAT is an individual achievement test, similar to the Woodcock Johnson, but made by the same people who make the WISC (the W stands for Weschler in both cases.) An achievement test measures what a child has learned in school. An intelligence test (such as the WISC-IV) is supposed to measure potential as separate from what's been learned, though it's not really possible to tease the two completely apart.


I found a link with the DAS http://pearsonassess.com/haiweb/cultures/en-us/productdetail.htm?pid=015-8338-820

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If they won't send the results ahead of time, when you go in to meet with her be sure and get a contact email/phone # for her. There will be a lot to digest and that way you can digest at home and contact her later regarding any questions you may have.


Bring notebook and pen so you can take notes or if they will allow a small tape recorder. I always end up a few days later with questions that I just couldn't think of at the time.:eek:

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