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Writing for next year - Does this sound crazy?


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So I was looking to simplify and am planning to skip WWE for my younger 3 and just do narrations/copywork/dictation from our content (history, science, geography, artist study) and keep it all in a large "Morning time" binder.  Anyone done that? Or similar?


Even DS13 can add in and narrate some with us. He would have other "reports" due on history and his own science curriculum.


I do have the Writing With Ease handbook and will reread it again. I just need to make a list of "things" to look for in my copywork/dictation.


They will also get dictation in our spelling, so is that overkill on the dictation? Should I keep that for spelling time only???


Then I took a good look at Jot it Down by Bravewriter and realized my 2 youngest (plus probably my 10yo DD) would really enjoy it. (I want to bring more joy to our day, but simplify at the same time.)


Looking at what I can find online, it seems the "Bravewriter Lifestyle" thing could fit in with out daily copywork/narration from our Morning Time, right?


But then I read more about IEW SWI and that seems to be EXACTLY what my DS13 needs (probably DD10 also). 


Would I be crazy to do the morning copywork/narration and then add in Jot it Down for the 2 youngest (with DD10 joining in if she liked the project) a few times a week and then do IEW SWI with DS13 and DD10 (8th and 5th grade next year)???


How often do you "do" IEW? Is it a lesson on Monday then they practice during the week???


Sorry if I am rambling, it is late and I feel a sinus headache coming on....


Any other suggestions....?? Writing is really my last "big" thing to decide on for next year.



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