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Blocking Websites--need help


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My ds has a hard time at school staying on the right website when they are doing online learning. He always wants to look at new lego sets, movie trailers, etc. Basically he wants to do anything but his assigned work. He's getting in significant trouble for this behavior.


I've asked the school if they can limit his access to the two or three sites he actually needs to use. The IT department responded that you either get all the websites allowed by the school or nothing. I asked the school if he could have a dedicated laptop that blocked all but the needed sites and they responded with the same answer. I offered to bring my own laptop and they said it was still impossible if you connected to their server.


Is that true? I know you you used to be able to block all websites but specifically allowed sites on Windows 8. I'm not confident that it still exists with Windows 10. Does anyone know how I could make this happen? I want him to be able to access a couple websites and nothing more while utilizing the school's internet.

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I am NOT an expert. But this might be a school policy as much as a tech issue. If they do the best they can and a kid finds a way onto a site s/he shouldn't be on...bad news. If the school can't really guarantee this won't happen, they can't.


There are so many back doors to access and kids know how to use them to get wherever they want on the net.


I had a similar frustration and I do feel for you.

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