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Discovering mathematics vs New syllabus mathematics (Singapore version)


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Could anyone tell me the difference between discovering mathematics and new syllabus mathematics? I don't know which secondary math textbooks to buy for home tutoring? My son currently studies in UK and has been using for shaping math for years and have good results. We want him to stay with Singapore math in the secondary years. Thank you.

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My dd's school used to use the Discovering Maths text until a couple of years ago. Now they use the New Syllabus Maths text.
I asked the Maths HoD why they switched. She explained that NSM had more challenging problems than DM. I bought both texts and having compared them, I would tend to agree.
I taught a little ahead of the school's schedule. I taught her the first chapter out of DM and then switched to NSM for the second-fourth chapters. I find NSM has better explanations for new concepts, so it is easier to teach from.
If your student needs slower, incremental problems, DM is better. If your student can handle faster paced and advanced problems, NSM is better.
If you want, I can scan the same topic from each text and send the PDFs to you.


Some other schools use the NSM workbook too. I only have the DM workbook, so I cannot tell how it compares to the NSM workbook.

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