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Working math word problems for grades 1-6


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I want to work word problems more every week, and really work them hard so they become second nature for them.


I know Singapore has a book for each year (70 must know word problems . . .), but I have all the Challenging Word Problems books already which we are working through and assume there is major overlap. Do you think there is?


What would you do? Are those books worth it?


I assume there is no magic resource all in one for grades 1-6 for this;  just curious what your thoughts are. :)


We use SM Standards, and lots of drill practice with math-drills.com sheets.


Oh, just so you know my pattern . . . :laugh:  I feel like we should do more, I buy something I think we need to help with an area, I find out what we were doing is enough and don't use it, after a few uses, it sits on my shelf making me feel guilty we are not doing more in that area and using it, then go back to what we were doing but maybe add more depth to the material we originally had. :laugh:  


Thanks for reading!





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I think that CWP books is plenty for SM style word problems. If you really want more problems but not more of the same, I would suggest a using a different type of approach and style like Zaccaro Challenge Math and Borac Competitive Math series. Both have word problems that are different than SM which has been great for my son. We do Beast a year behind, so we have those type of problems as well.

I also have done Hands On Equations and purchased their verbal word problems supplement which has be great in getting more practice in interpreting problems and setting up equations to solve. The approach of using manipulatives has been great for introducing algebraic thinking that is different than bar modeling approach.


Some resources I have considered but haven't yet added because we have so many math resources in play is Hard Math for Elementary and Math Olympiad Content Problems for Elementary Schools.



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I like the Math Olympiad books for this. MOEMS says grades 4-8, but a kid who's comfortable with long division and multi-digit multiplication could start on them. My mathy 3rd grader has held her own with them this year. There were a few problems I had her skip because she hadn't covered the concepts yet, like averaging and percents.

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