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1/2 credit for missions under Bible

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I was going to have my son to 75 hours of mission work to count

as a 1/2 credit Bible. 25 hours at church, 25 hours local, 25 hours

otherwise. Any suggestions? Perhaps a couple of good reads that

have several missionary stories in them and reports. A project?

Not sure, just brain storming not, any input will be greatly appreciated.



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or community service for you to keep on his resume for later?

I find that more and more I am wanting more things to call "community service" or "volunteering."

That is just as valuable to me as academic credits when it comes to college admissions.


Or, was your goal to get some Bible on his transcript? I guess it depends what really is your goal. Personally, and I'm just being candid here, if I'm giving a Bible credit, I really always like it to be that the Bible is studied in depth. Papers are written, etc., etc., based on actual Bible study. You know? If it is other things, like this missions idea you have, or when people study church history, etc. They should probably be a different credit from "Bible," in my opinion.


Then again, after rereading your post, maybe you aren't interested in this kind of input. Maybe, if you are wanting to go ahead do this as a 1/2 credit, the 75 hrs., I would just call it something else, I think. Maybe like a "Christian service" credit or something along those lines??

And I definitely would make that last portion of it based on some actual academic study, yes, good books. It seems you're already figuring in a variety of activities - so I wouldn't probably add a "project."

Maybe have him read and evaluate a few good outlooks on missions.

John Piper has a good title. And there are others. I'd have him read at least one biography or two, on a high school/college level, of a missionary.


Hope some of this helps.

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