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Writing with ease year 2


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I have had a question about dictation in year 2 for a while, but wasn't sure where to post it. Hopefully this is the right place. If the student misspells a word are we supposed to let them go on and correct after the sentence is done, or do we stop them as soon as they write the wrong letter? In WWE it says to not let them write something that is not correct (and, as I understand it, stop them), but I don't understand how this works with dictation. Doesn't it defeat the purpose of the dictation? 

Thanks for any insight. 

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If she stops in the middle and asks for a spelling, I give it to her. If she doesn't ask and makes a mistake, I wait until she's done to correct it. I'm afraid of breaking her train of thought and making her forget the sentence if I interrupt. I'm always getting on her case to not talk to me while she's supposed to be writing for the same reason, so it seems like it would be hypocritical of me not to keep quiet too.


When my son was doing levels 3 and 4 and the sentences got a lot longer, I tried to anticipate what words he might have trouble with and wrote them out on the whiteboard for him. 

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I'm not sure if there's a right or wrong answer. What I do: I separate spelling and writing. If my dd asks for a spelling, I give it to her. We also do dictation for spelling (at a different time), so I emphasize that during our writing time, I'm not worried as much about correct spelling. We spend our writing time just focusing on getting the correct words from brain to paper. If she spells a difficult word correctly, I will congratulate her for her effort. At the end, I correct any spelling mistakes for her so she can see, and we quickly move on. That seems to be working for us. HTH!

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The train of thought is more important than perfect writing mechanics at that point, imo. To preempt the issue, if I saw words in the exercise that I thought she might not know how to spell (which were generally very few or none), I would quickly write them at the top of the page so she could refer to them as needed. Then I would address spelling or punctuation mistakes when she finished and have her correct them. The only thing I'd interrupt her for would be leaving out an entire word or phrase.

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