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Calculus (Thinkwell, Larson, & analysis paralysis)

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I have a tendency to overanalyze every curriculum option and then second guess my eventual purchases. My evil nemesis this year is calculus (well physics is up there too, but I’ll post about that another day :) ).   Our plan was to use Derek Owen’s AP calculus AB course, but when the time came for us to start, I started to wonder whether we should find something that would eventually allow ds to continue on through calculus BC topics.  So, I changed course and purchased a Larson text because I knew it covered Calc BC +more, and there were sample syllabi out there as well as support videos.  But last week Thinkwell went on sale, so I decided to go ahead and purchase their regular college calculus course too.


Ideally, I’d love to have a College Board approved AP syllabus.  (It seems like the universities in my state like to tout the GPA of their incoming freshman and they are always using the weighted GPA, so AP weighted classes are likely considered in the admission process.)


Has anyone been able to get the College Board to approve a Thinkwell-based syllabus? Also, I may try to correlate the Thinkwell videos to the Larson text in case my ds needs extra practice problems, but if anyone has already done this with Larson or another text, I’d love to get your input.


Thanks to all of you who have posted regarding your AP calculus experiences in other threads on the board; they’ve been very helpful.



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Is this College Board approved?





On the Homeschooler Buyers Co-op page, they had this answer from Thinkwell themselves, saying that you would still have to submit your course for approval to the College Board.




It's a little over halfway down the page.

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