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Reviews for Behold and See Science 6?


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I'm still on a quest for the right science for us. After looking more at BF History of Science I don't think it's what we want. I'm not excited about RS4K because the "worldview neutrality" means it leaves things out. For instance, there's simply no mention of historical geology in the geology book and "astronomical units" are used instead of light years in the astronomy book. I think that would drive me crazy. Christian Kids Explore isn't as heavily YEC as some others I've seen, but it's still YEC.


Since official Catholic doctrine, as I understand it, is OEC, I'm now looking at Catholic material even though I'm a protestant.


Has anyone used Behold and See 6 or another year? Did you like it? Is the science sound? How Catholic is it? Can I just ignore a few sidebars and reword a few sentences here and there and be fine as a protestant, or is Catholic doctrine so interwoven that it won't work for a non-Catholic Christian?


Thanks for any help you can give me!


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Generally, Behold and See is well liked. I think I saw favorable reviews about 6 in the past here, but I haven't been successful in locating them in a search.


There's no official Catholic position on old vs. young earth. We just have to believe that God created the earth (and everything else) out of nothing and breathed an immortal soul into Adam and Eve. So there's even dissension in Catholic circles about the age of the earth and human evolution.


You are correct that CHC is more old earth, but not all Catholic curriculum providers are. Seton, for example, is young earth.

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We are using Behold and See 5 and Behold and See 2 and we are protestant. So far I haven't seen too much theology brought in that I am not comfortable with in 5. It is clearly OE, but I still like it even though we lean more YE. The Catholicism comes out more with their use of quotes from saints (Augustine) and writers (Chesterton). 


As an aside, Behold and See 2 seems a little too light. I feel it would be better for a first grader. I don't really have a sense for whether that is true for 5. Five feels a little more developmentally appropriate. Also there is a little bit more overt Catholicism in 2, so I wonder if it really varies by author. 

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Thanks for the tips so far! All my RC friends are OEC, so I just presumed this was the official stance. It's interesting that there's disagreement even among Catholics, who are generally seen as monolithic in belief by protestants. I'm glad to hear of another protestant using Behold and See successfully.

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