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post job interview thank you note protocol question

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I had a job interview last Monday, then my father-in-law died two days later, and I did not get off a thank you note. So first dilemma, note is late. Please tell me late is better than never.


Second, I don't know the names of all the people who were in the room when I was interviewed. Can I address the note to the woman I've been in contact with, even though she was at an funeral so did not attend the interview? Should I address it to the woman who gave me a tour of the place and took over for the woman at the funeral? Do I address it to the very generic "search committee"?


Finally, hand written or printed? I assume snail mail is preferable to email (my mother would croak if she knew I even entertained the idea of sending thanks by email). But perhaps that's not the case, as I've just recently received a very gracious email thank you note from a respectable source.


This whole job thing is making me a nervous wreck. I want to get that note behind me. Please help!


Nicole (who is feeling pathetic)

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First things first: Of course I must know details about the hoped-for job; email me if and when the opportunity arises, 'k? Now, to your question. As far as I know (and granted, that's not much:tongue_smilie:) a post-interview thank you note is a nice extra, not necessarily an expectation. Anything you do in this vein will be appreciated, in other words. Normally I'd advise against an email, but in this case, I think it makes sense since nearly a week has passed since the interview. I'd send one short note to the woman with whom you've been in contact and another to the gal who took over for her.


Sorry to hear about your father-in-law's passing; best to you.

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Thank you, Colleen. This is where I was leaning, but I'm not trusting my instincts because I'm so tired. Being a single parent is tough! My husband is in New Orleans with his family. Not having him here is a lot easier in some ways, but in terms of the amount of physical labor, it's harder.


Anyhoo, thank you. The job is Campus Arts and Cultural Events Manager at the downtown satellite campus of that large state university north of us. Similar to what I do but pays $10/hour more than what I currently earn. It's more money than R & I generate together at our jobs. I think it would be interesting, but what I really would love is to get the offer to use as leverage. I feel like that's sneaky, but darn! Every time I see a job listed for what I do, it always pays a ton more. And frankly, I think this position that I'm applying for would be less work than what I currently do.


It's a big decision and it's stressful. It would mean major changes for our family. So I'm trying to stay loose and wait, but it's hard.


Hope you're well.

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