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This coming year I'm planning to use Ellen mchenry the elements, this definitely requires me reading it to my kids. But I find myself fantasizing about getting each kid the rs4k building blocks grade level book, making them read one chapter each week (skipping the rs4k activities and workbook) and then get some science kits to go along with the topic. Everybody would be reading about chemistry or geology at the same time, even if their book covered different aspects. We do one group lab/demo and everybody notebooks it. It sounds great, but I'm scared to dump all these chemistry plans I've already made. Lol

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The best choice is the one that gets done. I personally love ellen's elements. My boys did too. They loved the songs and the challenge of memorizing the table for a candy bar.


Look at your whole schedule, what would get done?

I looked at the songs and skits and knew those would not fly with my kids. Lol. I may read the songs as poems, they might like that.


My Ellen's elements plans will get done. And I've already planned it and bought chemistry related kits. So I need to stick with it for the coming year. I guess I'm really thinking about the year after. Other than wanting to cover physics, I have no plans yet. Maybe I need to let go of the four year science cycle we are on. And go with the ra4k building blocks books. Really that would be the first year it would work with the oldest three kids anyway. I just find myself thinking it would be better for my oldest to start the books in 5th grade, since I read somewhere 5-8 really build on each other.

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