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For listeners of Odyssey--an episode about Columbus!

Alana in Canada

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We listened to it this morning (timely, as we studied Columbus in SoTW2 just last week!).


It was a wee bit historically inaccurate in that they proclaimed Columbus's motivation was to "discover new worlds." sigh. But I pointed it out to the kids. There was also a plot involving a french spy in the Spanish court--not sure that was correct either.


And Columbus's deal with the sailors? My daughter told me he promised them they would turn around and set sail for home if they didn't see land within three days, instead of just one, mentioned in the Odyssey script.


Hmmm. Maybe you don't want to listen to it after all?!




It's at the top of the liston the right, under "past shows."

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I love Adventures in Odyssey. I have heard the Columbus episode many times. Yes, somethings are historical not accurate. My older son said that they should try to stick to the historical accuracy as much as possible. Can you believe my 10 year old?


I like the program. The historical inaccuracies can be great discussion starters. Adventures in Odyssey want us to take time and talk to our children. So, if it stirs up a conversation with your children then, it has done its job.


Blessings in your homeschooling journey!





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