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Homeschool Coop with MFW ECC


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We will be a part of a Homeschooling Coop once a week this coming fall. We will be gone almost the entire day. I likely can get about an hour of our schooling in. We will be using MFW ECC along with all my language arts, math, reading, etc...this year and I'm worried that I won't be able to get in the basics with one day gone during the week. Also, there are two other days during the week that will be slightly shortened. I will be able to homeschool until about 1pm, then we need to leave. Is it possible to get in all our stuff and be done by 1? They can get their reading done after we get back from our day.  I have two 4th graders, one 3rd grader, a preschooler and a one year old.

Edited by bfw0729
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