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History of US student guides?


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Has anyone used these with Hakim's History of US? I am interested in learning what they are like and what they cover. How did you use them?

Are they very specific to the 3rd edition? I have the 2nd edition on my shelves and am hoping it won't be a problem to use it since only vol 1 and (i think...) 10 had major changes. Those volumes I can get from the library.

I know that the page numbers won't sync up because graphics were added. 

I would like something to use alongside the volumes for comprehension, review and discussion.


Thanks in advance!

Edited by calbear
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I answered your question the best I could when you asked the other day.  http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/606562-study-guides-for-hakims-story-of-us-useful/


Another thought is have you looked at Hewitt's guide for the books?  It's cheap and has quizes that you could just use as questions.  I'm not sure it lines up with the 2nd version of the books though because I do not know what has been changed in them.

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Hmmm the Hewitt guide is written to the middle school age student to follow independently. I have never seen the student study guide things, but as a parent I prefer the teaching guides at line up with the books because they give me lots of background information and some (not a ton but a few) hands on ideas. At the same time, I dislike the teacher guides because they very much assume a classroom full of students.


Another option if you want plans laid out, and even discussion topics, look at Build Your Library's 5 and 6 grade guides. It looks great but we aren't schedule kinda people in our house ;)

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