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We almost lost out 17 yo last night ( some CC)

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When I was 16, as I sat completely still in traffic at a stop light in my Toyota Corolla, a dump truck hit me from behind going about 45-50. My car bounced across the other lane of traffic (thank God no car was coming the other way) and I landed in the ditch on the other side of the road. My car was totalled, I had a seat belt on and walked away - badly shaken, bruised. I had been driving on my own about 4 weeks. Over thirty years later I still remember every moment in slow-motion.



I am teary eyed reading this and just thinking about it. He said everything felt like slow motion until afterwards and he doesn't remember even leaving the truck ( we had him checked for a head injury). He is very sore today and is taking his pills. The bruise on his neck is nasty looking.


I am one thankful mom today. Thank you for sharing and I am glad yours was a happy ending too! :grouphug:

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God is good, is He not?


We were in a similar accident (two pickup trucks though--no dump truck!) Saturday night. 16yodd was driving. It's a miracle no one was hurt. God's hand in the situation is obvious from dh feeling the need to take the pickup instead of the Saturn (we would have been crushed) to my insisting dh wear his seatbelt to the electrical wires not snapping or the pole dangling above our heads not dropping on us. Yup, God is good.


Why? Well, I believe there are forces at work which would like to see God's children hurt. I'm thankful that our God is so much bigger. Besides, this was one heck of a lesson for dd. Now she knows why I tell her to wear her seatbelt, drive slowly, not use her cell phone while driving, watch out for other drivers as well as herself, and be super careful on these lousy country roads. I think the lesson will stick.

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