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C/P : Potter's School for Average Learners?

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Cross-posting this from K-8...



My dd is super smart in some areas but due to her lack of focus, possible dyslexia and other issues, her academic workload is very "average." 


I plan to use mostly TPS for many of my older son's high school courses and would love to do the same for my dd.  IN fact, I think she is ready for some online classes.


This year she is learning to type and will probably be at around 25 wpm before next school year starts.


TPS says many times on their website that all of their classes are "challenging" and that even their regular classes, at the parents discretion can ethically be called, "Honors" and that their "Honors" classes are super challenging.


So, do you think a less academic kid would be fine with TPS as long as I don't choose thier "Honors" options?




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