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What's your idea of a good time on your birthday?


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In reality it usually does involves dh bringing me coffee before he goes to work and some kids baking me a cake. We may get pizza ( something we very seldom do) so I don't cook. This year though dh took the Friday before my birthday off. My bday falls on MLK day this year so I'm giving the kids that Friday off instead. I booked a massage, then I'm going to the Indian buffet, browsing at the big city Goodwill and a bookstore. I have a Starbucks card so I can get something at the bookstore. All this involves an hour drive each way. I'm going to blast my loud music and no one will beg me to " turn it down". I haven't had a day like this in, oh, 24 years so I'm going to enjoy every minute of it. Watch out, it's the year of Lisa baby😲

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