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Elements of Mathematics: Foundations for credit? (Cross-post)


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Has anyone had a DC complete (or nearly complete) the released Elements of Mathematics:  Foundations series of classes?  If so, have you or will you assign high school credit for any/all?


Background:  My DD will be in high school next year.  We are considering having her attend our local charter school on a part-time basis.  (They seem to be VERY flexible; in essence, it appears that we could homeschool to whatever extent we wish and take as many or as few on-campus classes as we wish.  They are also very open-minded when it comes to granting credits.)  I have had a discussion with the curriculum advisor, and it was she who suggested that the EMF material might be credit-worthy.  I hadn’t really given it much thought, to be honest.  


Any thoughts/experience?


ETA:  DD is currently enrolled in the 10th of the 12 completed classes.  (Note to self:  Do not attempt to post ANYTHING during the first cup of coffee.)

Edited by JoJosMom
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