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Tapestry of Grace vs. Connecting with History


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Can someone compare/contrast these two curricula?  I kind of have a love/hate relationship with TOG so I am wondering if CWH would be worth my attention or just be a waste of my time.  I love that CWH is Catholic, but it seems a bit dry to me.  Is it?  Thanks in advance for ay help you can give me :)



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I don't think cwh is dry. It is very flexible, so it's whatever you make of it. The drawback, of course, is that it's flexible and you will have to make something of it. I started with CWH and never used tog, though I did look at it quite a bit before deciding. I really felt I needed to learn more history to be an effective teacher, which is why those two were top options for me. I figured I could learn at the rhetoric level while Ds was doing the beginner stuff. In that regard, CWH has been a wonderful resource for me. The syllabus has plenty of ideas for writing and activities. I am only using it at the beginner level, with ods doing some of the grammar level reading as well. I love the way the faith is integrated instead of being an add-on.


What ages are you teaching? I have only used beginner level, but I have the first three syllabi so I might be able to answer questions on the higher levels if no other more-experienced users chime in.

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Thanks for your reply!  I have 5 to teach this year:  ds 15, dd 11, dd 9, ds 7, and dd 6.  I do love the way the faith is integrated as well.  That's the main thing that I love about it :)  It's the flexibility that bothers me, maybe.  I actually own both TOG and CWH (blush) and have never been able to get either off the ground.  I did buy the lesson plans for CWH, but Idk.  Maybe I'm just too darn picky!  I want flexibility AND structure  :lol: .  I know, it doesn't work that way, lol.  I'm thinking at this point in my life, maybe I need more structure, since there is so much that is going on on the sidelines of life.  Maybe I could use CWH later, after this phase of life is over.  (I watch my 3 grandkids 3 days a week, plus I have a 4 yo dd, so my days are pretty full even before hsing comes into play :) ).  Thanks again for your insights; I will definitely keep them in mind.   :thumbup:

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  • 2 months later...

Did you decide waht to use?  I use TOG and have loved it, I'm flighty so I need some structure and I have found that TOG offers that with the flexbility to do as much or as little as I'm able and still get a lot out of it for each of my kids - 6 and 8 Lower Grammar and 10 upper grammar and for myself.  I'm learning so much with them.  Just wondering if you found what would work.  What is it that you have struggled with in TOG?

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