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Your Tax Dollars at Work

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I just had to tell you guys this. Ds took Spanish last year through the U of M's distance ed. center. This class was free to him as a PSEO student. PSEO is a program in the state of MN (other states have similar) that allows high school students to take college classes at no cost. Well, that is, they take classes at the taxpayers' expense. But free sounds better.


So last year his materials were shipped to him at a cost of ~ $250. The bookstore includes the invoice, marked with "PAID BY PSEO", so we know the value that we are getting! After the class ended, these materials were ours to keep. Woohoo! Free books, cds, worktext, etc. I was floored.


This year he's taking the next part of the course, which covers the second half of the textbook he used last year. In other words, he didn't need a new book. Today his materials arrived, and guess what? Another brand new textbook and cd's, at a cost of $131--these are exact duplicates of what he had last year and had only half used. No one ever asked what he needed; these were shipped out automatically.


I wonder how many PSEO students sell their texts at the end of the year for a tidy profit? These are brand new books, as I'm sure all the PSEO texts are. All paid for...by you and me. Unbelievable. I really want to march this book down to the legislature and make a speech.


I will be returning this, by the way. I'm sure that they'll cover the return postage. :glare:

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I wonder how many PSEO students sell their texts at the end of the year for a tidy profit? These are brand new books, as I'm sure all the PSEO texts are. All paid for...by you and me. Unbelievable. I really want to march this book down to the legislature and make a speech.


Minnesota, which is my home state--BLESS YOU! At any rate, Minnesota has always had extremely high taxes; I think at the time I moved away (we're talking 20 years now!) the tax rate for the state was the 4th highest in the country! Yes, it sounds like your tax dollars are going to programs like this. It would irk me, too. At the least, the students should be required to give back the texts.


There are a lot of social/welfare type "nets" in Minnesota, but they're definitely not "free" in any sense of the word. Overall, it seems like many Minnesotans are happy with the system, but I think the wheels are slowly turning in the other direction there.


I remember a roommate of mine from college (I went to the U of M, too) received a grant for school; I think it was a PELL grant, but I'm not certain (BTW, PELL is a federal grant, I believe). At any rate, this grant was to be spent on tuition, books, and other associated fees. Do you know what my roommate did? She went out and bought herself a new stereo system!!! I was appalled, but didn't say anything. At that time, I was paying for all of my tuition, paying for insurance for my clunker vehicle, my own apartment, etc. I ate oatmeal twice a day, many days, in order to save money. I remember being pretty annoyed that she was able to do that.


I hope that some of these grants, like the PELL and other grants, now have an accountability factor woven into the system. In other words, the money should be paid directly to the school or school bookstore for tuition, fees, etc. If you approached the MN state legislature about anything, you might plead for more accountability over the PSEO program; books and associated supplies should be returned to the school or program, IMO.


HTH! Good luck!

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I'd like to google it to find out more. Not to abuse the system, but we could definitely benefit by a college course and U Missouri offers some I'm interested in.



Post Secondary Enrollment Options. I've heard of similar programs with similar names. Maybe you could goodle "post-secondary" along with Missouri? It is a nice option, especially if you live near a college or university. Juniors and seniors in high school can essentially go to college full time for free. With distance, ds can only do 1-2 courses max.


Good luck!

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I'd like to google it to find out more. Not to abuse the system, but we could definitely benefit by a college course and U Missouri offers some I'm interested in.



Hi, Danielle -- I'm not familiar with the program but Missouri does have a similar one -- I don't know about Illinois. It had limited enrollment and I found out about it, of course, after all the slots were taken.

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Minnesota has always had extremely high taxes; I think at the time I moved away (we're talking 20 years now!) the tax rate for the state was the 4th highest in the country!




I will be returning this, by the way. I'm sure that they'll cover the return postage. :glare:


Of course, that's the responsible thing to do! But, egads! It sure sounds like you already paid for those books -- twice! :lol:

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