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Understanding the US Constitution


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The interaction of state and federal law, individual liberties and individual rights, etc. is a pretty complicated topic, but here are a few resources I found:







Perhaps my search skills are failing me, but there really wasn't a lot of information available that wasn't issue specific.  In addition to the above links, I did find several websites created by various advocacy groups as well as websites intended for students learning about U.S. government.  I tried to select resources that wouldn't be too biased or contained excessive 'legal-speak'.   Of course there are lots of textbooks and other books on the topic.  


If anyone has other online resources, please add them to the list.  



ETA: Additional link-



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Premise and presupposition matters. If the Constitution is a limited document by nature, iterating negative liberties or limits, it's going to be analyzed and approached very differently than if it's believed to be a living document, meant to expansively encompass rights.


Truthfully, analyzing past Supreme Court decisions is about the best you can do for understanding the intricacies of interpretation of the Constitution, and knowing the biases of each justice referenced gives a fuller picture than just simply the decision's opinion and dissent.


That's where I recommend people start for serious scholarship on the issue. I don't have any good links on me ATM. But two people can have a firm grasp of Constitution and Liberty issues and strongly disagree. Because of presuppositions it's not black and white :)

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